Why You Care About Style
You are not defined by what you wear, but your style, what and how you wear your apparel, does reflect who you are.
You choose what to wear, you own and are responsible for every piece of clothing draped on your body. Like it or not, every style, every outfit you wear makes a statement.
We all want to decide what we reveal about ourselves, but even if you wanted to declare freedom and openness as a nudist, your nakedness is a barrier, as much as covering all but your eyes with clothing. Style is complex, intimate, powerful and our control over it is limited.
Society exists because we can communicate and style is the lens or costume for our non-verbal communication. Consider your style as carefully (or as recklessly) as you do your words.
Style isn’t a private relationship between you and your clothes, it reveals your interests, personality, and values to the world.
Do you follow social norms, honor foreign customs and traditions, or distinguish yourself by protesting their values?
Do you follow every trend or could you care less about fashion?
Do you present yourself with a disheveled look or are you consistently put together?
Style shows the respect you have for your own body, if you want to be liked and respected by others, whose respect you want, and how you want to be treated.
I’m not saying you should chase anyone’s approval, that kills all the joy of style.
I’m asking…are you saying what you want to say?
I’m suggesting you control your own narrative.
If you keep your tunic and sash spotless despite the mud and dust, or if you leave your slightly damp T-shirt sitting on your bedroom floor for 2 weeks and still wear it with wrinkles and a musty smell, remember you’re telling the world what you value and respect…you’re revealing who you are.
Perceptions, Impressions, Perspectives, Persuasions, Illusions & Delusions
Style is like our own unique language and when we try to translate it, we realize we all have different connotations for every piece of apparel.
Like all communication, style is open to so many misunderstandings.
Do you treat people differently or change the way you speak to people in different settings and from different ranks or cultures?
If you know how big of an impact someone has on your life, how careful are you with your words? In the same way, consider your style.
It’s as important as structuring a sentence and choosing your words.
At First Glance
Style gives us a context to understand the people around us, but it’s limited as a communication tool. It’s as flawed as it is powerful, but we all use it to make our own judgments (though so often misguided).
People will make assumptions and quick decisions based on your style. It’s important to remember that when you’re getting dressed because what you wear reveals who you are.
Of course you can’t control what other people think of you, but you can narrow the risk of being misunderstood by taking a moment, however brief, to consider your appearance.
You also know that your style does not define who you are, so be conscious of the assumptions you can control: your own. Judgment begins with only a glance, but you’ll need more than style to get to know a person.
There’s a reason we’ve got so many ways to communicate!
Time and Effort
Style matters because it takes up our time and effort every day.
We all put some modicum of physical exertion and mental energy into curating our style, just by deciding what to wear and putting it on.
You’ll never need to make this your dearest priority and I doubt it will ever be a daily discipline of pursuing some moral greatness. But it will always be a part of your life so respect and protect your resources.
If you let approval from others drive you, you’ll be stuck in a fruitless pursuit of fashion, never ending, and exhausting. Instead, take the time and effort to curate a style you enjoy, that will help you achieve your lifelong goals.
Build your wardrobe as a toolbox, create a routine for dressing and buying your apparel, and you’ll save the time and energy you’ve been spending worrying and wondering. It’s more than you realize.
Every morning you put on clothes you have to make a decision about what you will be physically feeling for the rest of the day.
Is the texture soft or grainy? Does it give you room to breathe? Is your body, your skin, and every curve being attended to and comforted? Do you feel secure in your dress, uniform, or jeans and sweater? Can your feet relax?
Find your style and your mind and spirit will assert themselves and claim your body as your own. Feel good about your style and you’ll encourage a generous attitude and allow for a joyful day.
Give yourself the chance to be present in your own body and put your mind at ease.